March 31, 2020 at 2:52 pm

Uncharted Territory – Chris


How are you doing?

The past few weeks have been uncharted territory for all of us. The few ups and multiple downs are too frequent to keep track of. 10 years ago, when I started b Architecture Studio during the recession I knew it would be a roller coaster ride, and it certainly has been – especially now.

I want to start off by saying how thankful we are to all of you for keeping in touch and continuing to work with us in our new virtual environments.  The friendships that we have developed over the past ten years only seem to be strengthening during this time. I cannot express how enjoyable it has been for Kurt, Mike and I to wrap our minds around your designs with you. It’s a mindful focus that we very much appreciate.

As for the foreseeable future, we are going to do our best to take care of ourselves, our friends and families and together work our way through this. As a small business owner, with not much in my control right now, it’s stressful and frustrating. I know this is a shared feeling; we are all in this together. So, that being said, if you want to set up a time to chat, have a virtual coffee (or Scotch) I would so welcome that.

On a lighter note, Royce and Maddie are getting plenty of walks (6 feet away from other dog walkers) and getting us safely outside. Our home gym (and the Peloton) has never been more a of sanctuary for us, Julie and I are getting even more creative in the kitchen, and I may just dust off my guitars.

The silver lining in all of this is that it forces us to be better. I was tempted to start this post by telling you that the Massachusetts shutdown has allowed me to recreate my home office circa 2010, a “back to where it all began 10 years ago” type of thing. Just like back then, I realize its ok, it will be ok. I love the slogan from Sugarbush (our ski mountain), “Be Better Here” almost as much as Listen Communicate Create. So wherever you find yourself now, try to find a way to Be Better Here.

So if I can be of help, share a laugh or two, commiserate or heck chat about design, drop me a line!

Be well,
